But I don’t want to support evil. So if I need to buy an axe from a murderer I will choose the local mom & pop murderer who has only killed one or two people, not the big name brand serial killer, because he seems more evil. If I need to buy some cellophane baggies from a drug dealer I will go to the local, small town drug dealer who has to keep a day job to stay financially solvent, not the Columbian guy with the Bentley. And if I need to buy duct tape from a rapist I will go to the “harasser” I read about in the our small town paper who is still trying to break in to the rape scene, not the well-known national news celebrity rapist.
I’m not saying I’ll never buy an axe from a serial killer, If he has the best prices on axes and the axes are good quality, then I will probably buy his axe. But where possible, I would like to bolster small business and the entrepreneurial spirit. A case in point is that I recently went to Walmart for the first time in several years because it was the only place within 50 miles that had a metal dog kennel. I tried all the local perverts, lowlifes and degenerates but none of them had a dog kennel for sale.
My point in all of this is that I’m not a snob. I will buy from the people who are raping and killing the world, but I prefer to give my money to the wannabe’s.
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