Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I miss oranges...

Okay, I miss going into the front yard and picking oranges off the tree, and I miss going to the back yard and year round having cumquats ready for the eating. I miss the lemons and I miss growing tomatoes year-round. I miss my herb garden.

I don't miss very much from Phoenix, the winter weather is great but the air is thicker than it used to be. There are some great restaurants that I used to visit, but I can visit great restaurants anywhere (except for places like where I now live). I like to make my own meals anyway, and although I don't rival any of the great chefs that have directed fantastic food toward my face, I'm not going to burn my own steak, and I know how to properly grill swordfish (although I rarely eat it anymore because I think they are taking them too small these days, and I want those little tykes to grow up before I eat them). My point is that even though I'm not the greatest cook, I can make a very enjoyable meal as long as the basics are of good quality so I don't need great restaurants. I need a greenhouse. A big one.

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